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In 1983, knowing there were people in their neighborhoods who were making the choice between buying food and paying rent, three friends decided to do something about it. The Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry was soon born. The response from the neighboring towns was astounding. What started as a simple act by three women has grown into a tremendous effort by the entire community. In the early days of Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry, the clients applied for help at the Federated Church in Ayer, and were issued vouchers based on need. The food was housed in the basement of St. Andrews Church where volunteers packed up bags and delivered them to clients at the Federated Church. Although far from ideal, the pantry was able to operate this way for several years, serving many local families through the tireless effort of community volunteers.

Under one roof

In 1997, Loaves & Fishes moved its entire operation under one roof on Vicksburg Square in Devens. Here the pantry grew to meet the needs of the community. Today we are in our permanent, new home located on 234 Barnum Road in Devens. We provide food and temporary support services to residents of Ayer, Devens, Groton, Harvard, Littleton and Shirley. Loaves & Fishes most valued asset is now and has always been the generosity of the community it serves. Volunteers work over 13,000 hours a year to ensure that the needs of those we serve are met with dignity and respect.

More than just a food pantry

The hundreds of committed volunteers are the heart of the pantry. It is the stewarding, however, that distinguishes our food pantry from other agencies. Stewards are dedicated to sitting one-on-one with clients. They are trained to listen with understanding and empathy to the complex situations of our clients. After getting a sense of the clients need, the steward then makes decisions, along with a trained mental health professional on staff, about how a client may be most effectively helped. In this way, Loaves & Fishes addresses the unique needs of the individual, providing the appropriate support and resource referrals that promote empowerment and his or her self-reliance.
man working in a food pantry
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